lo quiero descargaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar ahora }:(
Sadly if you read this comment you do not have a curse, instead you will die in the next 24 hrs. To prevent this you must post this comment on two other games, don't blame me I didn't start it..SOME DUMMY STARTED ITTTTTTT
There’s a download link at the bottom below the comments. It.s a .rar file, which is “somewhat unusual” but I’ve noticed really rather common for some reason (I think there must be a reason, but I don’t know). I hope you figured it out…
If you check to see in the “development logs” there are two different ones which have .zip files. At the bottom, just above the Comment section, they link to:
Both have .zip at the bottom of the post. Except, they look like links, but right now they don’t seem to be working.
That could be a thing to pop into the Discord to ask about… I’m fairly sure I actually downloaded this at some point. Though I can’t say how (maybe through the itch.io app?)
Hi! I do understand how you could tag this as “Scratch”, but the tag is for games made with Scratch (scratch.mit.edu). As your game is made with Godot, the Scratch tag doesn’t really apply here. Thanks!
Currently I haven’t been online that mush, mostly because I’ve been working on 3D models for the game, but when I am on, it’s usually around 11:00 PDT.
You can play it if you install linux. Look up how to install linux on chromebooks. There are two options. One is crouton, which requires developer mode. The other is crostini which is in you settings under 'Linux Beta', let me know if you need help.
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how play?
its currently offline
yoya lo teng
lo quiero descargaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar ahora }:(
Sadly if you read this comment you do not have a curse, instead you will die in the next 24 hrs. To prevent this you must post this comment on two other games, don't blame me I didn't start it..SOME DUMMY STARTED ITTTTTTT
how do i get this game? this game look AMAZING!
Probably this game is not ready. We will need too wait...
Sorry, but it's probably true.
How did you make multiplayer?
wait are you sure you made in scratch??
it's not made in scratch, it's just the game's name
How do you download?
There’s a download link at the bottom below the comments. It.s a .rar file, which is “somewhat unusual” but I’ve noticed really rather common for some reason (I think there must be a reason, but I don’t know). I hope you figured it out…
I can't find it.
The two development logs have .zip files for various platforms. I do think I took a look at it, but I can’t say I got very far with testing.
No, where is the file...
If you check to see in the “development logs” there are two different ones which have .zip files. At the bottom, just above the Comment section, they link to:
Christmas Update most recent
Scratch Island 1.0.1 Released
Both have .zip at the bottom of the post. Except, they look like links, but right now they don’t seem to be working.
That could be a thing to pop into the Discord to ask about… I’m fairly sure I actually downloaded this at some point. Though I can’t say how (maybe through the itch.io app?)
Dead game :(
is this game dead?
I thinks so
Hi! I do understand how you could tag this as “Scratch”, but the tag is for games made with Scratch (scratch.mit.edu). As your game is made with Godot, the Scratch tag doesn’t really apply here. Thanks!
is the game a room !!! me suck in room
real this game maded with Godot?
If you’re asking if it’s made in Godot, then the answer is yes.
thanks for this awesome game
lol this looks like a roblox game thats been extracted from roblox
I see no one! When are you connected???
Currently I haven’t been online that mush, mostly because I’ve been working on 3D models for the game, but when I am on, it’s usually around 11:00 PDT.
Typo!! He said "mush" instead of "much"!
Can I help to translate it in french? (if it possible)
I can't tell anything in "about me"... It says: Invalid Text
I really wish I could play this, but I'm on chromebook, and I don't have a computer ;-;
A chromebook isn't a computer?!
Yeah but chromebooks are generally bad.
You can play it if you install linux. Look up how to install linux on chromebooks. There are two options. One is crouton, which requires developer mode. The other is crostini which is in you settings under 'Linux Beta', let me know if you need help.
cool je vais essayer
So cool! I'll try it!